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Showing posts from February, 2015

RE: They Say Necessity Is The Mother Of Invention

Friend: [Daughter], stop playing with the water, you are wasting it. Daughter: But I'm washing my feet. Friend:You don't need to wash your feet you just took a bath. Daughter: But I just got off the toilet. Friend: There is no reason to wash your feet when you get off the toilet. Daughter: But I was standing on the toilet to go potty Friend: Uh, why? Daughter: I stand on the toilet when it's hard to poop; it makes it easier. Friend: Who told you to do that? Daughter: I just thought of it, seemed like it would work. Friend: Does it? Daughter: Really good. Friend: Carry on.

RE: Taxes Can Be Taxing

A story from a former co-worker: I just overheard a conversation between two teenagers working at Walgreens and I'm still reeling! Teenager A: "I am really confused about what you use a W2 for in the first place." Teenager B: "I think it's to file taxes, but I just threw mine away because I pay all my taxes up front when I buy things..."

RE: The Piano Man?

Me: Shelly went to a Billy Joel concert. She got an autographed drum stick and got to go backstage and meet him. He signed her arm and she got it turned into a tattoo. The Hubby: Why a drum stick? Me: I guess it was just something he could easily throw out into the crowd. The Hubby: Is she a big Billy Joel fan? Me: Oh yeah, huge! When she was young she had spiky hair and everything. The Hubby {Not really understanding what having spiky hair had to do with Billy Joel.}: I guess it was safer to throw out drum sticks than autographed pianos. Me: Did he play the piano? The Hubby {What? He's the Piano Man!}: Billy Joel? Me: Billy Idol! The Hubby: Oh! Well that makes a lot more sense. (Not sure I said the wrong name, or if he heard the wrong name, but either way, it was worth a good laugh.)

RE: I Have No Words

Screen shots Stella sent me: With a friend: With Mr. R: