Message to me of textersation between Stella and our mutual friend, Polish Boy.

This is 'merica...we don't cotton to no stinkin' fancy ass Frenchy words and shit.
Polish Boy: So brilliant.
Polish Boy: It's Cleveland afterall...
Polish Boy: "I've been abducted and missing for 10 years!!!" Response- "Do you need fire, ambulance or the police?"
Stella: Fire. Definitely fire.
Polish Boy: No. She wanted a Rally's Big Buford and glitter. WTF did they think she wanted?!?

This is 'merica...we don't cotton to no stinkin' fancy ass Frenchy words and shit.
Polish Boy: So brilliant.
Polish Boy: It's Cleveland afterall...
Polish Boy: "I've been abducted and missing for 10 years!!!" Response- "Do you need fire, ambulance or the police?"
Stella: Fire. Definitely fire.
Polish Boy: No. She wanted a Rally's Big Buford and glitter. WTF did they think she wanted?!?
Stella to me: (I was standing in the middle school gym waiting for [Birdman] to finish voting when I read his last text and I snorted from laughing so hard...made a nice echoy sound in the gym. Also, I think the guy who checked us in to vote had elephantitis of the nutsack. Not kidding. At all.)
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