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Showing posts from October, 2014

RE: Is This Why Buddha Gets His Belly Rubbed?

From a friend about her substitute teaching gig of the day: "Miss, since it didn't work the first time, should I rub my belly when I poop?" A quick summary of my day teaching first and second grade. I told her she could do what she wants but I didn't know if it would work. She came back and informed me that it does work and I should try it.

RE: I Can't Even

Various calls a friend from high school has had to deal with lately: Freckles: And what is your relationship to the deceased? Customer: I didn't have relations with my niece. WTH?! Freckles: That was not the question, sir. Who are you in bereavement for? Customer: I ain't gotta answer that until they die. Freckles: [Why me?] *** Freckles: When was your last day of work? Customer: I don't know. Hell, I wasn't there. Freckles: Clearly. *** Customer: Why do I need a Doctor to fill out FMLA papers? He doesn't think I have asthma. Freckles: Do you have asthma? Customer: Yeah! I limp and shit. Freckles: Ok.

RE: We Are All Adults Here

Stella, The Hubby, and me texting when I found out my dad didn't have a blood clot in his leg. 

RE: You Should Give It A Shot

"Is blown glass really that hard to do?" - Woman I overheard at a Chihuly exhibit

RE: There's No Escape From Ebola

Stella and her brother: