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Showing posts from April, 2014

RE: I'd Probably Watch That*

Stella: WTF is TLC's obsession with gypsies? Me: I don't get what's up with TLC period. Stella: That just made me think, "Why don't they have a show about menstruating women?" Me: Ha! Stella: Wait...menstruating GYPSIES. Me: Menstruating, 500 lb, midget, psychic, gypsies in the ER because of sex involving a strange addiction. Stella: Mind. BLOWN. *Hey, producers, you better not steal my show idea without crediting me and paying me.

RE: Who Knew?

Precious Gem (2 yrs. old): My belly hurts...Need medicine. Scrubs: I don't have medicine for your belly. Precious Gem: Yes , lipstick. Scrubs: Putting lipstick on is going to make your belly better? Precious Gem: Yes!!!!