Discussing the other female judge on "The X-Factor:" Me: What is with the judge chick dressing like Pocahontas? Stella: She seems as if she has two brain cells...and they hate each other.
"This pizza is like CRACK! BUT[t] you shouldn't eat too much of it. Oh, is that the FireCRACKER one?" - The Hubby's subtle way of drawing attention to the guy in front of us having a plumber's crack
"I was watching Australian rules football the other night. It's the closest thing to legal homicide. One guy dislocated his shoulder, he was back in 2 plays. Another guy's nose was on the side of his face and he was laughing! Here? Jesus Christ! Travis Hafner farts funny and he's on the disabled list for 6 weeks!" - Mr. R being amazed at the dedication of the Aussies compared to American athletes