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Showing posts from December, 2015

RE: We Feel The Bern

Me: I love when Bernie says, "Mooslums." Stella: He's so quaint. Like a Vermont Teddy Bear Company product. Me: I was thinking more like a Bovine Skid-row Stella: Like cows dressed like Skid Row? Me: Like cows in slums Stella: Ha! That's better than a cow version of Skid Row. Me: I don't know, that could be pretty hilarious. Stella: Hits like I Remember Moo and 18 Acres to Life.

RE: Two 40-year-olds One Debate

Me: So, the Dem Debate had a commercial and came back with Hillary missing....I think she was stuck in the bathroom taking a shit. At least, that's what I choose to think. Stella: Ha! That would happen to me! Then I would return with the "poop sweats" showing. Me: I'd have tucked something in my pants and/or have toilet paper stuck to me. Stella: My strategy would be to not wipe well so I stink and throw everyone else off their game. Me: HA! Stella: I hate that the Democratic debates are on Saturday nights. I forget they are on. Is Hilary wearing a carpet? Me: I only realized because of Facebook and Twitter. "Patton Oswalt ‏@pattonoswalt 2 hours ago Hillary looking fetching in her Ann Taylor Loft "Shaved Chewbacca" sweater frock! #DemDebate". Stella: Yes! My first thought was Berber carpet from Home Depot. Me: I thought burlap sack Stella: Burlap Sac Chic. OMG! Check out @pattonoswalt's Tweet: "We must use Keith Richards to absor...

RE: Wookiee Whoopee

For some background, Stella has an amazing wookiee impersonation skill. Below is a group chat between The Hubby, Stella, Birdman, and me. The Hubby: [Stella], here's an opportunity for a little side gig : Stella: you guys really think I could work the wookie sexy sex hotline? The Hubby: Totally. Stella: Maybe I can start it up in [Suburb]. There are a couple storefronts that up for rent. The Hubby: The beauty of a phone sex line is you can work from home! Stella: I don't want to mix our home life with my phone sex life. Me: Good point.